Welcome! The CDP Internet Caucus was formed to harness the power of the internet and communication technology to further Democratic ideals, issues, and legislation; to assist Democratic Clubs and Assembly Districts; and to elect Democratic candidates.
Caucus Meeting Information
The Computer & Internet Caucus meetings
are held in conjunction with the California Democratic Party conventions and executive board meetings. You can locate the convention information at http://www.cadem.org or contact Brigette Hunley, Caucus Chairperson, Phone (707) 712-3325, Email [email protected]or go to www.facebook.com/groups/cd Please find some time to participate in our actions. www.mobilize.us/cadems/ Please join us for our May Zoom meeting at the CDP eboard Meeting in conjunction with the B&P Caucus. Computer and Internet Caucus via Zoom on May 16 - 5pm - 7pm to "kick-off" the May eBoard meeting. Our keynote speaker will be Ami Fields-Meyer, former Senior Policy Advisor at The White House and the Chief of Staff of Dr. Alondra Nelson during her time leading the Office of Science and Technology Policy, introduced by Andrew Lachman, Technology Attorney and Ethics Attorney and also Chair of the DNC Small Business Council. AI as a Popular Political Issue: Ami will talk about the prominence of AI in contemporary https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtc-Corz4uE9RiP5GUj9tIJAadbximUs-4 publicPrevious Meeting AgendaM CADEM Small Business and Professionals Caucus and the CADEM Computer and Internet Caucus: Very EXCITING news Keynote speaker: Vint Cerf - American Internet pioneer and one of "the fathers of the Internet" gave us a one of a kind keynote! ____________________________________________ You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Nov 16, 2023 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Topic: Small Business and Professionals Caucus and Computer and internet Caucus Joint Meeting Register in advance for this meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0MhZx4bgR5W7H6kzeiThHA ___________________________ Great speakers including Vint Cerf, author and NASA futurist David Brin, Steve Westly, Josh Becker, Andrew Lachman, Adriel Hampton, Ron Rapp, and an update from Field Team 6. Senate candidates will be heard from as well. New Campaign Tech, AI legislation, Cybersecurity, Digital Equity, Privacy and more. Welcome. The registration link is also on the state party convention site. This will be a joint Zoom meeting. Please message questions during convention to 707-712-3325. Please find some time to participate in actions. Passcode: pAz3mn meeting ID: 853 8061 9209 https://www.mobilize.us/cadems/event/561163/ Archives : We are looking forward to our meeting and training next week! Here are the details: Time: 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Date: Saturday, July 19th Our meeting will also focus on Actions! Please sign up to volunteer with us on Saturday !Zoom Meeting ID 853 80619209 PassCode: pAz3m Get up to speed on virtual campaigning for Biden and all Dems down the ballot, including texting, phone banking, and AI tools and Ethics and social media, etc. We will also talk about relational organizing tools and how you can become a social media amplifier. This is becoming an increasingly critical tool in communicating issues. 70% of Americans actively use social media, spending an average of 2hrs. and 32min. per day on social media. Let's make sure that Democratic voters show up for this election -- Let's keep California BLUE! We will have several special guest speakers and presentations on AI, and the future of campaigns, AI and education and more. Also updates on broadband for all, and cybersecurity, and more. Many candidates and elected leaders have also asked to bring greetings Please find some time to participate in actions. Passcode: pAz3mn meeting ID: 853 8061 9209 https://www.mobilize.us/cadems/event/561163/ (Note - subject to change due to Hurricane) Past Meetings, C Meeting-CDP Convention Date: Thursday, May 25th 5:30-9;30 PM We had several special guest speakers including NASA futurist and author David Brin and legislative updates and presentations on AI, and the future of campaigns, AI and business, education and more. Also updates on broadband for all, and cybersecurity, our leadership award and more. Many candidates and elected leaders also asked to bring greetings Our meeting also focused on Actions! Please find some time to participate in actions. DP Business & Professional Caucus Meeting -CDP EBoard Nov 17, 2022 7:00-8:30 PM Zoom Meeting Link https://cadem-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GtHowgEIT6KiJyjDRNcMdQ The CDP Computer and Internet Caucus will be meeting on Thursday, Nov 17th during the CADEM eboard. We have planned an outstanding program and are looking forward to seeing you there. July 7, 2022 6:00-8:30 PM Joint Meeting Link TBA The CDP Computer and Internet Caucus will be meeting jointly with the CDP Business and Professional Caucus and Environmental Caucus. Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvdeyoqzkqGdKUvthz1lSe17K5Rlq8SZIc Annual Meeting Announcement: During the CDP Convention Time: 5:00-7:00 PM Date: March 3, 2022 The CDP Computer and Internet Caucus will be meeting jointly with the CDP Business and Professional Caucus from 5:00 to 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 3rd, during the CADEM convention. We have planned an outstanding program and are looking forward to seeing you there. ________________________ |
Our Mission Statement:
The CDP Internet Caucus was formed to harness the power of the internet and communication technology to further Democratic ideals, issues, and legislation; to assist Democratic Clubs and Assembly Districts; and to elect Democratic candidates.
The CDP Internet Caucus Goals
- To educate and train California Democrats to access online services, tools, resources.
- To establish and maintain a California Democratic Party online community where apps, information, and messages can be shared.
- To facilitate effective online organizing of the Democratic community,
especially prior to elections.- To maintain an ongoing relationship with the State Party and the online community.
- To establish contacts with the offices of elected Democrats in Sacramento and Washington.
- To encourage and support resolutions and legislation benefiting the Democratic community.
- To support and defend net neutrality, internet privacy, and access to high speed internet.